Pool Renovation
Our second pool located on Hibiscus Road has recently undergone renovations. The pool has been resurfaced and new watermark tiles have been installed. Make sure you visit the pool and check it out!
Our second pool located on Hibiscus Road has recently undergone renovations. The pool has been resurfaced and new watermark tiles have been installed. Make sure you visit the pool and check it out!
You will notice we have commenced installing new speed humps throughout the Village. Unfortunately these humps are necessary to keep our residents safe from speeding cars.
We are currently completing a Tree Management Program throughout the Village. This is where a qualified Arborist assesses every tree over a certain size within the Community. The Arborist will record among other things each trees age, health, risk factor and management plan. Any trees deemed to be unsafe will be removed and replaced with […]
As you would no doubt be aware the Tavern Development to the west of the Village has been ongoing for some time. Tony has recently spoken to the developers and they have advised that the Tavern Development will be commenced until at least 2017. If you would like more information please visit the office.